


As one of the top 军事 history programs in the country, the Dale Center for the 战争研究 & 社会 houses a distinguished academic community with expertise in how conflict affects 社区, soldiers, and non-combatants. 戴尔中心扩建 on the field of 军事 history, with its traditional focus on leaders, strategies, and operations, and seeks to identify and understand the social and cultural consequences 战争的. 的 Dale Center has earned a reputation as a center of excellence, with its faculty members recognized among the best scholars in the field and its students as 值得关注的未来学者.


的 Dale Center hosts a number of important academic and community events throughout the year that bring together scholars, students, and community members around topics 涉及军事历史和战争与社会.  此外,该中心促进 cutting-edge scholarship in the field 战争的 and society.

Lt. Col. 约翰H. 戴尔老. 国际安全杰出系列讲座 and 全球政策 brings prominent voices to Hattiesburg for on a regular basis. 

Lt的. Col. 约翰H. 戴尔老. 国际安全杰出系列讲座 and 全球政策 honors the late Lieutenant Colonel 约翰H. Dale,老.,职业会员 of the 军事 who served in World War II and the Korean War and earned the Bronze 明星.  的 lecture series is made possible through a generous donation by Southern 校友小姐博士. 比佛利戴尔. Col. 戴尔的女儿.

的 lecture series brings internationally prominent speakers to Hattiesburg to give their assessment of the state of foreign and 军事 affairs. 以前的演讲者包括 Ted Koppel; General Bufford "Buff" Blount; Dan Rather; General David Petraeus (US 军队受潮湿腐烂.); Dr. 罗伯特。米. Gates; Dr. Madeline Albright; and Ambassador Wyche Fowler. 

理查德·麦卡锡系列讲座 于2006年在. 理查德·麦卡锡博士. Craig Howard and is designed to bring together students, faculty, and community members to access cutting edge research in the field of 军事 history and War and 社会.

Over the years, the McCarthy Lecture Series has provided the campus and Hattiesburg 社区 a broad range of programming, ranging from a panel discussion led by veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to more academic programs including talks by leading historians of War and 社会 and 军事 history, such as Sebastian Junger, Beth Bailey, Jeremy Black, Dennis Showalter, Margaret MacMillan, Jeffrey Gray, Brian Linn, 韦恩·李,约翰·林恩等等.

General Buford “Buff” Blount Professorship in Military History was founded in honor of General Buford “Buff” Blount, who graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1971 and went on to a distinguished career in the U.S. 军队,其中包括领导美国.S. 2003年第3步兵师进驻巴格达.

的 Blount Professorship is awarded biennially to provide funding for the work of a historian at Southern Miss who is engaged in research toward the publication of a major study in the field of 军事 history or war and society.  几本书 have been made possible through the support of the Blount Professorship.

体育博彩's 戴尔战争研究中心 & 社会 是骄傲的房子 103d Infantry Division (Cactus) World War II Association’s Archive of documents, memorabilia, books, and webpage--a treasure trove for researchers of 欧洲的第二次世界大战.

的 103d Infantry Division was activated on November 15, 1942 and served in the European 的ater of World War II until their deactivation on September 22, 1945. 

In 2022, the Dale Center undertook the multi-year 103rd Infantry Division Digital Humanities Project, with the goal of creating an improved website and extensive digital 文档集合.

的目标 战争故事:保存国民警卫队的声音 is to capture and preserve the oral and written story of Mississippi’s National Guard 在转型的21世纪.  

Through capturing oral histories and collecting written documents, the project will accumulate and preserve invaluable primary sources concerning a host of important topics including: the National Guard's kinetic ability on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, the developing relationship between the National Guard and the active 军事, the response to Hurricane Katrina, the stories of Mississippi guardsmen and their families during the stress of multiple deployments, the increasing diversity of the National Guard, and the transforming relationships between the Guard and its home 社区.

Dale Center 教师们 are innovative and productive scholars who publish widely in the fields of history, 军事 history, and war and society.  A一个书单 written and edited by Dale Center fellows present and past, 可以在这里找到.   

的 Dale Center is proud to be educating the next generation of officers for the U. S. 军事.  领先的军事教育机构,如美国陆军.S. 军事学院 在西点军校和美国.S. 空军的空战大学已委托戴尔 Center to educate the officers who will go on to teach the leaders of tomorrow’s U.S. 武装部队.  请参阅我们的网页 军职训练 了解更多信息. 

Dale Center faculty, students, alums, and friends at SMH Conference in 2023Dale Center faculty, graduate students, and alumni, along with our patron Dr. 贝弗利 Dale, at the 社会 for Military History's annual meeting in San Diego, California in 2023.


戴尔战争研究中心 & 社会
哈蒂斯堡大学大道118号5047号,MS 39406





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